I bought a solo ad from Phillip P. Brewer for 250 clicks at for $65 or $0.26 a click.
Phillip promoted my Top Plugins for WordPress site
Here’s my receipt:
Here are my results
Phillip sent over 338 clicks (88 extra) which resulted in 138 signups or a cost per subscriber acquisition of only $0.47 a subscriber.
I’d recommend buying a solo from Phillip.
I placed an order for this one as well. Same deal. Going to be sent on the 24th of this month. It seems like he mails quite a bit. I ordered 2 days ago and have already got like 6 emails for freebies from him.
So hopefully the results work out well.
Thank you for putting up your results and sharing your experiences. I’ll be back to share mine.
@Joshua I imagine it will do well
keep us posted
This worked out extremely well! Placed the 250 clicks order got 157 subscribers and $39 backend.
Best one so far for me.
@Joshua fantastic!
Hi one ? how do i know when my ad is done
I just purchased with Phillip. I look forward to putting up a PHENOMENAL review on here!
Phil is cool to work with, fast response to any of my questions and over delivers.
I got the 200 click solo, he sent over 350 clicks and 121 leads.
Im very happy with the results.
Just wondering if you are being saturated with Magnetic Sponsoring, MLSP, or the Renegade Team ads? Is there any ads that you are not running at this time?
Anita Levesque
I would like to make a solo as purchase
I usually am not one to give negative reviews but I bought 100 clicks for $100 from Phillip. He did not deliver. I scheduled a month ago for him to deliver for August 12th. I haven’t heard anything from him. He is nowhere to be found.
100 clicks for $40***
Hey Krista
Did you ever get those 100 clicks?
Hello Krista,
I just happened to see this comment and decided to have a look into your solo ad delivery and you are absolutely correct. I did not send the full 125 clicks that you ordered. i only sent 80 clicks but I also discovered this message sent to you on August 12th via my support helpdesk :
Support message below
I sent your solo ad out today as scheduled and you have received 80 clicks so far but I just found out that your list is not active so you have not received any opt-ins.
Please take care of this to try and salvage some opt-ins from your paid solo ad. Let me know when it has been repaired.
I also visited the site today and opted in but the mailing list is still inactive 5 months later. I will still complete the solo for you plus some extra clicks to make up for the lost ones if you will simply fix the inactive list at aweber. I can’t send subscribers to a site that does not work.
I will contact you via email and see if we can take care of this situation. I will fix your list issue for you myself if needed.
Hey Phillip,
I would like to have you take a look at my ad copy and make sure it’s a good fit. Where do I send my copy?
Hello Karim,
Feel free to send your ad copy to me for review here: http://support.myimlink.com
I will review it and let you know if it is good fit for my list.
how can I contact you to send you my add to see if you will do it or not??
Hello Craig,
Send you rad copy here for review:
I will take a look at it for you and let you kn ow if I can send a mailing for it.
I purchased a solo ad from Phil almost a month ago and have not received anything!
I didn’t even get an email confirmation, or even a customer service email or website to solve the problem. I tracked my website for clicks via google shortner and my back office and received nothing. What gives?! I paid $40 for 125 unique clicks. Very discouraging. Is this guy even real?!!!
Hello Ryan,
Yes sir I am very real and I am also a bit discouraged as I read these comments only to determine that the messages I have been sending from my support helpdesk must be ending up in the SPAM folder.
You placed your order on November 19th and opened a support ticket as instructed for sending me your link and ad copy. I replied immediately telling you that I was booked solid and your ad would be sent on December 15th and it was delivered on time.
Here’s a link to a screenshot of the click stats for your solo:
I received another ticket from you on the 16th of December where you were asking why you didn’t receive any clicks to the Google Shortener tracking link for your offer and I responded by telling you that you never gave me a Google link but instead only supplied a direct link to your offer. You can see that the direct link was used in the screenshot above.
If you will click my name in this post you will visit my solo ad sales site and there you will find multiple ways to contact me. If you will contact me again then I will give you the support ticket #’s so you can see for yourself that I actually did reply to both of your support tickets and you just didn’t get the messages.
I am going to have to change the way I communicate with my customers since my helpdesk email is becoming unreliable. I certainly am sorry that you felt as if you were completely robbed but I assure you that I not only responded to every message I received but I also completed the solo ad on time as well.
I sure hope you contact me so we can air this out.
Thanks for your business. I truly appreciate it.
Sounds like Krista had the same problem. I looked at all the positive reviews and ignored the one negative. Should have done it the other way around. This sucks man!
I would like to do a small test campaign,can you email so i can send a copy to see if you sent this recently.
Hello Cornelius,
Send your offer to me for review here: http://support.myimlink.com
I will check it out and let you know if I can send a mailing for it.
Thanks for your interest in my solo ad services.
I ordered clicks from Philip and had no problems with communication. Vice versa, very quick response. Let see how it goes(mailing day after 12 days), is my offer interesting enough to get load of opt-ins:)
Philip, could I get sales from solo ads?
I purchased a 100 Unqique Click and Added 35 subscribers and earned $50.00 Commissions on a OTO. 100 Unique Click Investment. $30.00
That’s sounds really good and happy for you. Did you write your own ad copy or?
Hi everyone,
I’m very new to solo ad advertising, so I thought I test the waters out and get a 50 unique click solo ad. I’m very happy with my results !! He over delivered on the clicks and I got 10 opt -ins. I’m fairly new to this but I think that’s great! The pricing is very reasonable also. I will definitely buy another solo ad from him. Thanks Phillip!
Robert Maturo
cant wait to generate traffic I have full belief he know what he’s doing he was recommended by the best
I ordered the 150 clicks, and it is half of month of the scheduled sent date, and so far “85 clicks” 0 opt ins. i dont know if they where real clicks. i opened a ticket for that reason and this was his response:
“Hello Luis,
I just took a look at your stats and it seems that your ad did go out on the 24th and is over half completed at this time.
I run my own autoresponder and I had some serious server issues earlier this week that had me totally disabled for about 17 hours so I am behind just a bit on delivery.
Rest assured that the clicks are coming in and will continue to do so until your ad has been completed.
Thanks and have a great day.
Keep Smiling,
Phillip P. Brewer”
15 days later and no more clicks in my link and nobody answer my messages. i want my money back.
I ordered from him because he is a recomended solo ad provider from PL but my exprerience with this provider was so negative iy seems that i wasted my money.
This is an update from my last post,
Phillip answered my messages and solved all the problems i had with my order, he re send my ad and compleated my order, according to my stats from PL i received 170 new clicks and 32 opt-ins.
Hi William,
lol. So I may be able to help you get traffic to your site, or offer – whatever you promote. Shoot me an email – constantleverage@gmail.com. Well, do it ONLY if you have still not found the right solo, ok?
Is this your first solo purchase? Statistically, the 3rd try with lack of luck is final. I hope you are not there yet
I recently bought a 500 clicks solo by Phillip.
Excellent traffic, with a conversion of 41% optin rate and 14 sales.
I’ll buy more traffic soon.
Hi guys and gals.
I purchased a number of ads with Phillip in the last month or so which resulted in about 200 leads (subscrbers) to my list resulting in over 100 opens . I notice these opens keep increasing. No sales yet…it takes time…hey they are on My list now…it is my job to keep working them..by increasing their know like and trust factor with me…Some Will convert to sales hopefully.. I’ll keep working on ways to begin and increase conversions…..any one feel like offering suggestions on ways to do this?……..Patience Is necessary in all this. Cheers! David
Hey, almost forgot. I have been in communication with Phillip on numerous occasions. I have always found his service to be awesome…he is responsive, courteous patient and an excellent teacher.
He has been very transparent in his dealings with me. When he makes mistakes he owns up to them and fixes them giving more clicks than ordered lots of times. I don’t know what else he is supposed to be doing.
Cheers again!
I just bought a Solo Ad from Phillip but, the submission process seems to be down. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
I cannot even contact Phillip. Seems his servers are down and any links associated do not load…they just time out. **
Update: Phillip contacted my really fast regarding issue of his submission site being down. The issue has been resolved and my ad submitted. I am looking forward to the results.
I ordered a small amount of clicks from Phillip, he delivered, and has been very responsive to any type of questions or interactions with him. I would, very simply, give him a “thumbs up” in terms of any type of review.
I am planning to purchase 100 clicks from Phillip. Are the clicks unique?
Quick question. Whats the difference between Clicks and unique clicks are the unique clicks more likely to purchase your promotion??? I’m new to this and I have 10 clicks but 17 unique clicks. Is this a good thing?
Clicks are just RAW clicks which means total clicks and Unique clicks are just as they sound… unique. Example: If someone clicks your link 3 times it will show 3 RAW clicks and 1 unique click.
Unique clicks are what you pay for when purchasing solo ads.
Hope that helps.
Charles, should it not be 17 clicks with 10 unique clicks???? Unique clicks are the ones that are not repeated. In other words, I might click on your ad 3 times, but that is only one unique click. Make sense?? Therefore the number of unique clicks can be equal or less than total clicks but not greater than total clicks.
Unique Clicks shows the number of first campaign clicks during a visit. It is possible to have multiple clicks during one visit, but only the first click is counted toward Unique Clicks.
This metric is visit-specific, so if the same visitor has a second visit, the first click during the visit will count as a unique click.
Clicks (Campaign Clicks), on the other hand, shows the overall number of campaign clicks for the selected time period.
so when i click on your link…. that is counted for a unique click… if I click on your link again it is no longer a unique click,…some call it gross clicks meaning you link has been clicked numerous times by the same person or IP address.
hope this helps.