My Results From Vincent Inter’s Solo Ads

I bought a solo ad from Vincent Inter for 500 clicks for $165 or $0.33 a click.

He promoted my Top Plugins for WordPress site.

I got 503 clicks (3 extra) 234 optins for a 47% conversion rate or a cost per new subscriber of $0.71

I recommend buying a solo ad from Vincent.

Have you bought a solo ad from him? Post your results below.

Go here to buy a solo ad from Vincent Inter he’d also like you to email him at before ordering

My Results From Dr. Bruce Rae’s Solo Ads

I bought a solo ad from Dr. Bruce Rae for 200 clicks for $60 or $0.30 a click.

He promoted my Top Plugins for WordPress site.

I got 207 clicks (7 extra) 75 optins for a 36% conversion rate or a cost per new subscriber of $0.80

Have you bought a solo ad from him? Post your results below.

Go here to buy a solo ad from Dr. Bruce Rae

Example of a Successful Solo Ad

Here is a solo ad that helps get 56% of the visitors to my page to sign up for my email list. In other words 56% of the people that click the link on this email join my list and I can continue to market to them.

Subject: 10 Super-Fast Ways to Make $10K Per Month

Hey {!firstname_fix},

You gotta check out this great free report that shares 10 ways that you could start earning $10,000 a month.

*my tracking link goes here*

*their name*
P.S. After signing up, watch the video on the next page it’s incredible!


Subject: “10 Super-Fast Ways to Make $10K Per Month”

I used this subject line because it grabs their attention and shows them that I can teach them 10 quick ways to make really good money online.

Body: “Hey {!firstname_fix},”

Everyone wants to see their name especially when someone else writes it.

Body: “You gotta check out this great free report that shares 10 ways that you could start earning $10,000 a month.”

In this segment of the message it comes off as an endorsement of what they are going to see. It sounds like it was personally written after going through the free item.

Body: “*my tracking link goes here*”

It is very important to track your advertising, I use Easy Click Tracker Lite and it’s free.

Body: “*their name*”

This helps further establish that it’s a quick recommendation to their readers by placing the newsletter owners name at the bottom of the ad.

“P.S. After signing up, watch the video on the next page it’s incredible!”

Always use a P.S. in your messages it helps reestablish important pieces or allows you to increase curiosity which can get more people to click on your ad.

In this example I’m using it to create curiosity about the video on the page after they join my list so this helps get more people to sign up. It also is helping convince more people to watch the video which sells a $97 a month product allowing me to make more sales.

How could this ad be improved?

  • Another link to my page could get more clicks
  • Testimonial from an actual user of the free report
  • Some bullet points that hint at what some of businesses are i.e for eBay it could be something like: “Getting Rid of Your Junk For Big Bucks” and information marketing “How to Use Your Passion To Become an Internationally Recognized Expert”

Writing Your Solo Ad

Writing a solo ad can be very challenging. But of course, it is very important to write your solo ads well; after all, your profit will depend on it.  So what is a solo ad?  Solo ads are basically page-long promotional advertisement that is included in newsletters.  Basically, if you want to promote yourself, you buy ad space from a company that sends out newsletters or ezines.  After you get the space, each newsletter sent by the said company will have your advertisement.  With what you pay for, the space is all you buy; you still have to work on the solo ad yourself.  The content of solo ads is very crucial.  The newsletter can only take you so far.  As soon as the reader gets to your ad page, it is up to your ad’s content to lure them in.

The very first thing you have to remember when writing your solo ads is to be organized.  Write an ad that is professional.  Make it look organized.  Don’t just put in a catch tag line and paste links to your main site all over the advertisement.  Make the ad look good.  Make it seem like you are serious about establishing your business.  If you ad looks too unkempt, people will skip it.  They will think your page is nothing but an ad page that will get them into trouble.

Next, make sure your content is informative.  Remember, you have a whole page to fill with details on your products and services.  Be as informative as possible.  However, make sure you don’t give out too much that your readers are discouraged from visiting your link.  Remember, you goal is to get these readers to your site.  You should provide information that they would be interested enough to click your link and check out your website.  Remember, the more web traffic you get, the more income.

Lastly, make sure you offer something special to your readers.  Lure them in by offering special discounts and prizes.  By doing this, people will be more interested in the many services and products you offer.

Selling and Buying Ezine Ads

Ezines are online newsletters sent by various online businesses to keep in touch with their old and prospective clients.  Marketing using ezines is very effective.  However, making ezines take a lot of time.  First, you have to write content that is interesting.  And of course, you have to invest on a good mailing list.  Of the two, the latter takes the most time and effort.  Not all people have the time to build up their own mailing list.  However, these days, if wanted to promote your business via email marketing, you don’t really have to have your own ezine.  All you have to do is buy ezine adsEzine ads are basically ad space that can be bought from companies that send out ezines themselves.  You can buy a whole page worth of ad space.  This means each time the company sends out a newsletter, your ad will be included.  These are similar to magazine and newspaper ads.

If you are already sending out ezines for your company and have a good mailing list established, what you could do is sell ad space.  All you have to do is market your space to others who don’t have time to establish their own mailing list.  If you don’t have a mailing list yet but want to advertise immediately, you can buy ad space from a company that sells ad space.  As an ezine ad space seller, you really don’t have to do anything except paste the ads onto your newsletter.  You will get paid up front, without commissions, so it is best to sell as much ad space as possible.  As an ezine ad space buyer, you have the responsibility to make the ad yourself.  You have to write and organize it properly.  Basically, the job of the ad seller is to have people read the ads.  The job of the ad buyer is to seal the deal.

You have to be smart when it comes to ezine ads.  There are many things to consider when marketing with email newsletters.  Be sure to take all of these into consideration to succeed.

Choosing Your Ezine Solo Ads Space

Online marketing is a must for anyone who owns an online business.  You see, no real online business can succeed without proper online marketing.  There are many methods and techniques to employ in order to make your online business prosper.  A classic way to promote your business is by using ezine solo adsEzine solo ads are basically ad space you buy from online newsletters.  These newsletters are sent to opt in mailing list participants.  Each newsletter sent will contain your advertisement.  Ideally, you should get a whole page for your advertisement.  You should also be informative in your ad, placing links to your main site where appropriate.  However, the big question is which newsletter to sign up with.

When choosing the ezine you’ll promote in, you have to be smart.  The very first thing you have to do is to look for a newsletter that has a good market.  It is very important to choose the right newsletter when it comes to your ezine solo ads.  This because you pay for your space upfront, not based on commission.  You have to be sure that you can get enough profit from this marketing investment.  Not getting the enough funds will mean you’ll have a deficit instead of a profit.  You have to make sure you promote in a good newsletter.  Never sign up with an unknown newsletter.  Remember that spam is widespread today.  This has caused people to be more sensitive with the emails they receive.  If they receive emails from entities that they do not know of, chances are they are going to delete them.  This is why it is important to promote only with good, well-established ezines.  You have to be sure that your ads will be seen and read.

Also, when choosing which ezines to promote with, consider your target market and products you sell.  Do not promote with a newsletter that reaches out to a market that is irrelevant to your products and services.  If you sell beauty products, you don’t promote with a home improvement-themed newsletter.  You have to think first before you do promotions.

Pros and Cons of Opt-In Email Advertising

Have you ever considered promoting your online business through digital marketing?  If you have, then you should go for it.  You should know that no online-based business can be successful without proper online marketing.  If your business is based online, you should make an effort to promote yourself.  There are actually many ways to go about.  One of the most effective has to be email marketing.  However, not all people have the time and skill to make their own newsletter and to establish and mailing list.  If this is your situation, you don’t have to worry.  You can still promote via email by signing up for opt in email advertisingOpt in email advertising is also called email advertising.  With email ads, you basically buy ad space from an online newsletter.  Ideally, you get a whole page for your ads.  What happens is each time the newsletter gets sent out, you ad is available for viewing by the market.

There are many pros and cons in doing email advertising.  You see, it can be really effective because you get to reach out to our prospective customer at a more personal level.  Also, you get to save money.  You don’t have to pay to out a commission for you ad space.  Instead, you pay for a fix rate.  This allows you to earn more money.  All you have to do is earn more that amount your pay for the ads.  These benefits are standard with all good email ads.  However, there are also drawbacks and risks.  The biggest risk has to be being categorized as spam.  With the rise of junk mail over the years, people have developed an aversion for unknown emails.  Some people just delete random and unknown emails from their inboxes for fear for malware.  When this happens, your investment is wasted since your ads aren’t even viewed.

To make opt in email advertising succeed for you, you have to be smart when choosing the newsletter you promote in.  Only get ad space from renowned, popular and reliable ezines; ones that you know have a good market already.

Thing to Remember When Doing Targeted Email Advertising

There are some things you have to remember when it comes to online advertising.  Online advertising is necessary if you want your business to prosper.  No business can do well in the online space without proper online marketing.  One of the best marketing techniques to employ today is targeted email advertising.  So what is targeted email advertising?  This is basically promoting your online-based goods and services to people via email.  This is synonymous to email advertising or solo ads.  In order to do this, you basically buy space for ads in online newsletters.  Ideally, you are to get page-long ads, which can be accessed by clicking strategically-placed links on the main newsletter.  However, if you want to succeed in targeted email advertising, you have to remember a few things.

First, you can’t just go with any newsletter.  Only buy space from reliable newsletters; ones that you know are read well by their marketed.  Signing up with unknown newsletters will not be very profitable.  This is because people today are wary of unfamiliar emails.  This is because of the proliferation of spam and harmful emails.  People just tend to delete and not read unknown emails.  Now, you wouldn’t want that happening to your ads, would you?  Ad spaces from well-known newsletters may be more expensive, but they are a good investment for you.

Second, construct your ads well.  Do not write an unprofessional-looking advertisement.  People will not be encouraged to visit your main website if you do.  Make sure your ad is informative, but make sure still that you don’t give out too much information that your main website is no longer visited by the reader.  Remember, better web traffic is equals to better income.  Make sure your content is clear and good, and always entice your ad readers to visit your site.

Lastly, give your readers something to look forward to.  Offer them something nice in return of going to your site.  You can give them special discounts for signing up for your service.  It is basically up to you.  Be smart and creative when doing promotion through email advertising.